Action Plan

Engaging Our Youth

Youth are at the heart of my Action Plan. I will run youth focus groups to understand their perspectives and find ways to empower them as responsible citizens and future leaders. By involving them in solving community challenges, we ensure they develop the mindset and tools to become effective leaders tomorrow and engaged in the community they live in.

Supporting Sustainable Practices

As an advocate for environmental sustainability, I will work to implement green initiatives and support policies that protect our natural resources. My track record of sustainable business practices can be seen through my tree planting initiatives and more.

Innovation for Business Prosperity

I'm running for Councillor to bring innovative solutions to our community. My business experience equips me to drive economic growth, support local enterprises, and create jobs. I believe in the power of education and technology to transform lives, and Iā€™m committed to enhancing STEM opportunities for our community.

Affordable Housing for All

I'm committed to addressing housing challenges in Bedford by supporting affordable housing initiatives and finding innovative solutions. I'll advocate for leveraging the new Housing Accelerator Fund, approved by Halifax Council in June 2024, to ensure it benefits our community.

Diversity is Our Strength

I understand how it feels to be a newcomer in Bedford, and I also know how it feels to be a long time resident welcoming newcomers. My unique perspective will allow me to ensure Bedford feels like home for all its residents, and that as future councillor each resident is represented.