Your support can help us spread the word and build momentum for a brighter future in District 16. Hosting a lawn sign on your property is crucial in raising awareness and showing your neighbours that you believe in a better tomorrow for our community.

Ready to Show Your Support? Fill out the form below, and we’ll take it from there. Together, let’s build a stronger, more vibrant District 16!

Host a Lawn Sign on Your Property!

Join the Movement and Make a Difference in District 16!

Did You Know? As a residential tenant, you have the right to display election signs at your home! However, your landlord may have guidelines regarding common areas or sign size. For businesses, it's advisable to check with your landlord or property manager about any specific rules for sign placement. By submitting this form, you confirm that you are the tenant or owner of the location for which you are requesting a sign.

    • Visibility: Lawn signs are a simple yet powerful way to increase our campaign's visibility. Every sign placed in our community helps reach more voters, reminding them of the upcoming election and the positive change we can achieve together.

    • Community Impact: By displaying a lawn sign, you’re not just showing your support – you’re helping to create a sense of community and shared purpose. Your neighbors will see your commitment and may be inspired to join us in our mission.

    • Direct Support: Your willingness to host a sign demonstrates grassroots support, which is vital for any successful campaign. It sends a message that this campaign is by the people, for the people.

    • Installation Provided: Once you give us the green light, we’ll take care of the rest! Our team will personally deliver and install the lawn sign at your convenience, ensuring it’s securely placed and looking great.

    • No Hassle: We handle the installation and removal, so you can focus on showing your support without any extra effort.